Tactical communication training for frontline staff and supervisors.
Verbal Judo is an invaluable life skill, and the principles and techniques when practised not only enhance your ability to always perform professionally under pressure, but can save your personal relationships with the most important people in your world.
From healthcare to security, classrooms to customer service, we have a verbal judo course to suit.
Created by the late Dr George J Thompson Ph.D, Verbal Judo teaches the art of persuasion to redirect others’ negative behaviour to generate voluntary and peaceful resolution. Leading the way to a better world
Verbal Judo courses are available over one and two days:
The one day course offers the fundamental knowledge and strategies necessary to improve communication.
Two day course builds upon this knowledge and provides the opportunity to practice these skills in an open and safe setting.
Each course has the flexibility to cater to a range of skill sets within your team. We come to you, so your team is in a familiar learning environment.
Contact Professional: healthcare and mental health workers, government agencies, private business.
Law Enforcement: police, security and compliance agencies. The two day Law Enforcement session is the flagship course of Verbal Judo, and the course of choice for all Law Enforcement agencies.
Two day Management and Supervision: ideal for those who oversee the day to day supervision and performance of staff.
One Day Open Courses are also scheduled in all states for those unable to participate in on-site training.
Details will be posted on our Home page, once dates have been set. Please contact us to register your interest in attending an open course.
Courses are scheduled once there are sufficient expressions of interest
Online Training is also conducted in both Open and In-house formats.
All online training is via live webinar, with all participants able to interact with the presenter via video and audio.
Open Webinars are run as as Short 4 hour Basics program designed to cover verbal Judo’s core components
In-house webinars can be tailored to suit your specific requirements.
What our students learn
ALL cultures want to be treated with dignity and respect
ALL people would rather be asked than told what to do
ALL people want to know why they are asked to do something
ALL people would rather have options than threats
ALL people want a second chance to make matters right
Learn to respond, rather than to react.
Establish the mindset necessary to deal with difficult persons professionally and effectively.
Learn how to deliver ‘bad news’ effectively.
Learn how to perform under pressure and never lose control.
Learn the one trick that will prevent stress, during and after conflict.
Learn the three street truths of communication.
Understand why people don't always say what they mean.
Learn the difference between ‘Natural’ and ‘Tactical’ language.
Learn the most dangerous word in the English language and how to avoid it.
Learn about your most dangerous weapon and how to control it.
Learn how to use your presence and words tactically to resolve conflict.
Use a number of techniques and tactics when confronted by a difficult person, including the ‘8 Step Meet & Greet’ and the ‘5 Step Hard Style’.
Learn how to professionally deal with verbal abuse.
Learn how to identify SAFER: the five conditions when words are no longer an option.
“In any great art, there are few principles and many techniques. ”